Thursday, June 27, 2013

Motor Vehicle Exceptions - Michigan Criminal Defense - Attorney Josh Jones - Warrantless Searches

Motor Vehicle Exception - Warrantless Search Explained

Once an individual motorist has been pulled over and the police officer has probable cause to search that particular vehicle a warrant will not be necessary in order to actually search the vehicle. This is known as the Motor Vehicle Exception to the Fourth Amendment’s requirement of a warrant for searches. The reasoning for such a rule is because of the easy ability for a vehicle to be readily mobile.

The rule generally states that an officer is allowed to search all compartments and areas of a vehicle, without the need for a warrant, if there is probable cause to believe that the particular area to be searched contains contraband. This can occur if the contraband is viewed in plain sight, meaning as the officer is near the vehicle and sees the contraband then he or she will have probable cause to search the vehicle. Moreover, this rule does not stop a police officer from searching the passengers of the vehicle when the individual to be searched has the ability to conceal or hold the suspected contraband.

Michigan law explains that a police officer will have probable cause to search a vehicle if he or she smells marijuana coming from the vehicle. However, it can and should be argued that if a police searches the passenger compartment of a vehicle, because he or she smelled burnt marijuana, yet did not discover any contraband during the search then he or she may be precluded from searching the trunk compartment of the vehicle. Michigan courts have yet to answer this specific question; on the other hand, the United States Supreme court does have precedent indicating that an officer may not continue to search when he or she has come up empty handed.

Contact Josh Jones today. He has your back. He will explain the law to you, make sure you understand your rights, and will maintain any and all rights as allowed by the law. 

PLEASE DO NOT RELY upon any of the information contained in this article when trying to represent yourself. You should always consult with an attorney before relying upon any written advice, article, blog etc.

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